Will Your Mood Skyrocket At This Terrific Four Sea (四海豆浆) Restaurant?

Will Your Mood Skyrocket At This Terrific Four Sea (四海豆浆) Restaurant?

In the city of Irvine where housing prices are out of this world, we found a small little restaurant serving up Chinese breakfast foods. Aside from eggs, these foods are far from your typical American breakfast and in our heart, it’s a nice change of pace.

The Video Review

We had a little bit of time to have a nice breakfast while waiting for Happy Healthy Daughter doing her volunteer hours and we found out that in the great city of Irvine, where a lot of Chinese people live, they have many Chinese restaurants. One of our favorites is 四海豆浆 Four Sea Restaurant. It’s because they are one of the only restaurants that serve a Chinese styled breakfast in America and we love a good Chinese styled breakfast.

We started with hot soy milk. They have 2 kinds, the “salty” and “sweet.”, but don’t let those names fool you. the salty soy milk includes more than just soy milk. It includes 油条 – a Chinese styled cruller – green onions and many other ingredients besides just soy milk. and the sweet soy milk isn’t sweet at all. It is just plain soy milk without sugar, vanilla, or any of the other additions that American’s use to make soy milk a replacement for cow’s milk. And both are served hot. This is something that we love, that we truly love.

Now the salty soy milk wasn’t what we though we were getting, so we weren’t too thrilled with that one, but the sweet soy milk is exactly what we wanted and was a very good quality. If you like hot soy milk like you would get in China, then this soy milk is the one that you want. It wasn’t as good as the homemade soymilk that I make with our MioMat Soymilk Maker, but it certainly is better than the one we find in cartons in the Asian grocery stores in our area. And being able to add a fresh 油条 directly into the soy milk was a bonus. 油条 is not something that we can easily make at our house, so for that alone, I enjoyed going to this restaurant.

The marinated eggs and the oven baked bun were about what you would expect from a Chinese restaurant and the Egg Crepe with Chinese Cruller was nice but it wasn’t the same I we would get in China. It was lacking the sauce and other ingredients that make it special. But if I had to choose between having nothing and having the Egg Crepe, I would absolutely go with the Egg Crepe.

So if you are interested in having a good Chinese breakfast, then 四海豆浆 Four Sea Restaurant will satisfy that interest.


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