Maybe you’ve heard about the benefits of grinding your own meat. For one, you can control what part of the meat gets put into your ground meat and you don’t have to worry about what the store adds to your ground meat, like intestines, stomach, feet/hooves, and so on. Or maybe it’s hard to find ground pork or lamb in your area and you would like to have an option to have ground meat outside of the standard fare that your local market has available.
But whatever the reason you want to grind your own meat, this meat grinder has lots going for it.
- It’s easy to use – you just stuff the meat into the hole and press it down with the pusher and the machine does the rest
- The meat grinds fast
- You have 3 different plates to adjust the fineness of the meat you grind
- It comes with a tube if you want to fill a sausage as you grind the meat.
But be careful.
- On the piece that pulls the meat into the grinder, you should add some oil before using. If you don’t there will be lots of black specks that will get infused with the ground meat as it comes out.
- The last bit of meat that is put through the grinder will not get ground, so save the parts of the meat that you are willing to not be a part of the ground meat.
We tried a couple of different meat grinders, and returned a few of them before settling on this one from Altra Life. So if you are in the market for a good meat grinder, you could do much worse than getting an Altra Life meat grinder.
Get one for yourself: 2600W Meat Grinder From Altra Life
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