Howdy folks. I'm Barry, the home chef behind the videos, recipes and reviews on this site. We pride ourselves in bringing you the very best recipes and thorough reviews of kitchen tools so that you can enjoy cooking in your own kitchen.
Cheese Drip. You know, when the cheese on your cheeseburger melts too fast and falls over the edge and either gets burned or falls off down to the fire below.…
Using the standard breading method, flour, egg wash, coating, for frying produces a crisp golden crust on any meat you plan to fry. But will it taste the same when…
Have you ever wanted a cheat code when making hard-boiled eggs? Well if you own a pressure cooker, or more specifically an instant pot, then cooking perfect hard-boiled eggs is…
Looking to eat healthy but not give up on taste, then this chicken over roasted broccoli along with a side of peperonata and you will have yourself a flavorful and…
Maybe you're eating at McDonald's because it's one of the cheaper restaurant options for you, or maybe you want to eat at McDonald's because you love the food. But what…
We love cinnamon rolls whether they come from the store or are home made. We have a wonderful recipe that we love which I think tastes better than what you…