Make the Perfect Shrimp Cocktail with This Simple Addition

Make the Perfect Shrimp Cocktail with This Simple Addition

Buying a shrimp cocktail appetizer in many a restaurant is amazingly good but prohibitively expensive. Buying one of those frozen shrimp cocktail displays in the store is cheaper, but most of the time their cocktail sauce is missing that zing you find in the restaurants. But to get it cheaper and to have a zing, try this method which requires no cooking ability whatsoever.


  • 2 lbs 31-40 count cooked shrimp with tails on (Costco has a great frozen option)
  • 12 oz. Cocktail Sauce (Heinz original works very well)
  • 2 Tablespoons Prepared Horseradish (I like the Morehouse brand)

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  1. Defrost the shrimp by either setting it in the refrigerator overnight or placing them in a strainer and running cold water over the shrimp or both
  2. Mix in 2 tablespoons of prepared horseradish into a bowl with the cocktail sauce and stir till combined.
  3. Place the shrimp on a plate, place the sauce in a bowl and serve cold.


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